Friday, June 8, 2007

Useful C# Code Snippets

Mapping a month name to its chronological order value

The following C# code can be used to map a month name to its equivalent numeric chronological order value. You can use this code in a method and pass the month in as a string to convert for example "JUN" to 06. You can modify the array to map the full month name in place of it's three letter abbreviation.

public string MonthToNumberMapper(string month)
string Month = month.ToUpper();
string ConvertedMonth = null;
string[,] MonthsToConvert = new string[,]
{ "JAN", "01" }, { "FEB", "02" }, { "MAR", "03" }, { "APR", "04" },
{ "MAY", "05" }, { "JUN", "06" }, { "JUL", "07" }, { "AUG", "08" },
{ "SEP", "09" }, { "OCT", "10" }, { "NOV", "11" }, { "DEC", "12" }

// Determine the numeric month.
for (int i = 0; i < MonthsToConvert.Length / 2; i++)
if (Month == MonthsToConvert[i, 0])
ConvertedMonth = MonthsToConvert[i, 1];

return ConvertedMonth;

Converting the text in a ComboBox Control to Uppercase
The following C# code can be placed in the TextChanged event handler of a ComboBox Control to change the case of the text entered to uppercase. This works for text entered into or selected within the ComboBox Control.

private void StateComboBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
String stateText = (string)StateComboBox.Text;
stateText = stateText.ToUpper();
StateComboBox.Text = stateText;
installStateComboBox.SelectionStart = installStateComboBox.Text.Length;


Anonymous said...

Tengo otra solucion... espero les sirva....
private void cboConcepto_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
ComboBox cboX = sender as ComboBox;

if(Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(e.KeyChar))
e.Handled = true;
if(cboX.SelectionStart == cboX.Text.Length)
cboX.Text += Char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar);

cboX.SelectionStart = cboX.Text.Length;
int intIndice = cboX.SelectionStart;

cboX.Text = cboX.Text.Insert(intIndice,Char.ToString(Char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar)));

cboX.SelectionStart = ++intIndice;

Content Generator said...

The MonthToNumberMapper function could be condensed into one line using this method:.

Private Function MonthToNumberMapper(ByVal MonthName As String) As Integer
Return CDate("1900-" & MonthName & "-01").Month
End Function

Dave said...

private void cboApplicationName_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.KeyChar = char.Parse(e.KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper());